October 1 - 3, 2025
St. Petersburg, Expoforum
From 10:00 till 18:00


Eurasian Construction Technology

The exhibition will feature: construction, road-building, mining equipment, equipment for the transport and logistics industry, commercial vehicles, forestry equipment and related products.
выставка спец техники, выставка специальной техники, выставка спецтехники +в китае

20 000+

sq. meters

Total exhibition area with the possibility of placement in the pavilion and on the street
выставка спецтехники +в москве, выставка спецтехники +в москве 2023



Russian and foreign companies from China, India, Turkey and other countries
выставка спецтехники спб, выставка форум специальной техники, выставка форум спецтехники
10 000+
Will visit the exhibition area and business program events
выставки +в китае 2023 2024 спецтехники, выставки специализированной техники, выставки спецтехники 2024
Business discussions with market professionals and international experts
The exhibition is supported by
  • Экспофорум, Экспо, Форум
    The largest modern site in North-West Russia
  • Ассоциация Импортеров и Производителей Спецтехники, АИПС
    Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Special Equipment (AIPS)
Autumn, the beginning of the business season, is a great time to meet business partners after the summer holidays. September 4-6 in St. Petersburg is excellent weather for outdoor events.
St. Petersburg, the second most important economic region of the country, is home to a large number of oil and gas, mining and infrastructure construction companies.
The city has a developed tourist infrastructure (hotels, restaurants) - it is convenient for visiting and conducting business negotiations.
CEC EXPOFORUM is a modern and safe exhibition venue that meets all international quality and safety standards.
Exhibition size. This is a niche event on a federal scale. Compact accommodation of more than 100 companies on an area of approximately 20 thousand square meters. m, a modern exhibition complex, convenient logistics and navigation, all this will allow more than 10 thousand visitors to comfortably meet and communicate with suppliers of special equipment and complementary goods and services.
Demonstration site. A unique opportunity to show equipment in motion on a specially equipped demonstration site in the immediate vicinity of EXPOFORUM.
Business program. Dialogue between government and business. Seminars and round tables. Real live projects. Discussion of current industry issues.
Price policy. The lowest price offer on the market for both an indoor area and an outdoor exhibition. For early bookings, the most favorable price offer is provided, a transparent system of increasing prices as the exhibition approaches.
Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Special Equipment (AIPS). The event will be supported by the new Association. AIPS is a business community of the largest importers and manufacturers of special equipment in the country.
AIPS unites companies that not only supply special equipment to the country’s most important facilities, but also ensure its uninterrupted operation. These companies are the most important link in supplying such industries as oil and gas, mining, infrastructure construction, warehouse complex and cargo transportation.
Imports of special equipment in 2023 amounted to 440 billion rubles (for comparison, domestic companies produced special equipment in the country worth 90 billion rubles).
Construction in the broadest sense is the most important factor in the development of the country’s economy, and uninterrupted mechanization at construction sites is an integral part of the timing and pace of construction.
It is the largest importing companies that have been performing this important function for decades.
Present your machinery and equipment at the exhibition, tell us about your brand, and schedule business meetings.
Find your partners for the purchase and maintenance of special equipment, get acquainted with the latest products on the Russian equipment market, and negotiate.

You will definitely find your partners!

The exhibition will be attended by:

  • Large Russian companies importing special equipment, equipment and units
  • Suppliers of spare parts, oils, industrial tires, attachments
  • A significant amount of Russian equipment manufacturers
  • Large foreign manufacturers from friendly countries - China, India, Turkey, etc.
  • Companies providing repair, maintenance, and financial services.

Exhibition Sections

  • Дорожно-строительная техника, Катки, асфальтоукладчики, дорожные фрезы, бульдозеры, фронтальные погрузчики, экскаваторы
    Road and construction machinery
    Rollers, asphalt pavers, road milling machines, bulldozers, front-end loaders, excavators
  • Горно-шахтное оборудование, Буровые установки, гидроперфораторы, погрузочно- доставочные машины, буровой инструмент

    Mining and quarrying equipment

    Drilling rigs, hydraulic hammers, loading and transport machines, drilling tools
  • Открытые горные работы, Горные экскаваторы, бульдозеры, фронтальные погрузчики, карьерные самосвалы, буровые установки

    Open-pit mining

    Mining excavators, bulldozers, front-end loaders, quarry trucks, drilling rigs
  • Грузовая техника, Самосвалы, карьерные самосвалы, коммерческий транспорт

    Commercial vehicles

    Dump trucks, quarry trucks, commercial transport

  • Складская техника, Вилочные погрузчики, штабелеры, ричтраки, подъёмники

    Warehouse equipment

    Forklifts, stackers, reach trucks, lifts

  • Строительство трубопроводов, Трубоукладчики, экскаваторы, бульдозеры, фронтальные погрузчики

    Pipeline construction

    Pipe layers, excavators, bulldozers, front-end loaders
  • Жилищное строительство, Башенные краны, телескопические погрузчики и подъёмники, грузовые самосвалы

    Residential construction

    Tower cranes, telescopic forklifts and lifts, commercial trucks
  • Коммунальная техника, Экскаваторы-погрузчики, мини-экскаваторы, мини-погрузчики, фронтальные погрузчики

    Municipal equipment

    Backhoe loaders, mini-excavators, mini-loaders, front-end loaders

  • Краны, Самоходные гусеничные и колесные краны, башенные краны


    Self-propelled tracked and wheeled cranes, tower cranes

  • Лесозаготовительная техника, Харвестеры, форвардеры, навесное оборудование
    Forestry equipment
    Harvesters, forwarders, and attachments
  • Индустриальные шины, Крупногабаритные шины для тяжелой техники, самосвалов, тракторов

    Industrial tyres

    Large-sized tyres for heavy machinery, dump trucks, and tractors

  • Запасные части, Комплектующие, расходные материалы и навесное оборудование для тяжёлой техники
    Spare parts
    Components, consumables, and attachments for heavy machinery
  • Масла, Технические масла и лубриканты, гидравлика для работы и обслуживания тяжелой техники
    Technical oils and lubricants, hydraulic fluids for the operation and maintenance of heavy machinery
  • Сервисное обслуживание, Услуги технического обслуживания, ремонта и восстановления техники
    Service and maintenance
    Technical maintenance, repair, and equipment restoration services
  • Аренда и финансовые услуги, Лизинг, аренда, выкуп техники и трейд-ин
    Rental and financial services
    Leasing, equipment rental, buy-back, and trade-in options

10,000 interested buyers will see your products

St. Petersburg is the business and financial center of the Northwestern Federal District; it unites large industrial and mining regions of the Russian north. Transport and financial flows from all over the federal district flock here. Through the ports and customs terminals of the city, supplies of goods and equipment that are so necessary for the country are carried out. Our exhibition aims to attract a large number of professional visitors representing various industries operating in the area.

мероприятия специальной техники, мероприятия спецтехники, самара выставка спецтехника зеленхоза, фестиваль специальной техники
  • фестиваль спецтехники, форум спецтехники, ярмарка спец техники
    In Saint Petersburg, the Northern capital of Russia, you can find the headquarters of major companies in the Northwestern Federal District, including the central office of Gazprom. Additionally, local government authorities are also based in the city.
  • ярмарка специальной техники, ярмарка спецтехники, круглый стол спец техники, круглый стол специальной техники
    Construction companies that contribute to the development of the city and the region's infrastructure, as well as the construction of high-speed highways.
  • круглый стол спецтехники, выставка спецтехники +из России, выставка спецтехники +из Китая
    Logging companies and enterprises operating in Karelia and the Komi Republic.
  • выставка крокус строительная техника, выставка строительной техники, выставка строительной техники +в китае
    Municipal utility companies and organizations in the Northern capital and the Leningrad region.
  • выставка строительной техники +в москве 2024, выставка строительной техники 2024, выставка строй техники
    Major mining companies and facilities in the Northern regions.
  • выставка стройтехники, выставке строительная техника +и технологии, выставки строительной техники 2023, конференция строительной техники,
    Large warehouse complexes facilitating trade with Europe.
  • конференция строй техники, конференция стройтехники, мероприятия строительной техники, мероприятия +по строительной технике,
    Transportation and logistics companies.
  • мероприятия строй техники, мероприятия стройтехники, фестиваль строительной техники, фестиваль строй техники

    Port and customs authorities, stevedores.

Gala event in addition to the business program

Typically, exhibitions are limited to visiting the stand and meeting in meeting rooms. We offer you a new format of interaction with partners. In addition to the busy business program of the forum, within the framework of the exhibition there will be a private buffet with a show program, to which the exhibition participants themselves and sponsors will be able to invite their partners and visitors. We expect more than 2000 guests. This event will allow you to communicate in a more friendly and inviting environment, strengthen partnerships and establish new contacts.
The number of invitees will be determined depending on the size of the exhibitor's stand.



ярмарка строй техники, круглый стол стройтехники, круглый стол строительной техники,
St. Petersburg, Petersburg highway, 64/1
ExpoForum is a modern exhibition venue that hosts the country’s largest events, such as the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
Transport accessibility:
6 km Pulkovo international airport
4 km Ring motorway
3 km Moscow – Saint Petersburg highway
10 km North-West High-Speed Diameter Road Link
20 km To the center of the city
  • There are two large hotel complexes at the exhibition venue
  • Free buses (on event days) from Moskovskaya underground station
Beijing, Delhi, Istanbul


The Northern capital, often referred to as the Russian Venice, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and the world. The city is home to museums of fine arts, art galleries, architectural landmarks, and famous theatres and concert halls.

Near the exhibition complex:

  • 4 km Catherine Palace and garden and park ensemble
  • 6 km Pavlovsk Palace and garden and park ensemble
  • 28 km Peterhof State Museum-Reserve
  • 20 km Konstantin Palace

Partners and support

For questions regarding cooperation, as well as posting information materials and news on the exhibition website, you can contact us by email: info@exporuss.ru

Major Internet Partner

Major Info Partner

Official Info Partner

Official Info Partner

Главный отраслевой партнер

Information Partners

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Pavilion G

St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoe highway, 64/1

+7 (495) 215-13-61


Exhibition Contractor


JSC "Russvystavka"
TIN 7743376119
123056, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 30A, building 1, office 502
Join us on our social media
Pavilion G
St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoe highway, 64/1

+7 (495) 215-13-61

Age restrictions 0+

“RussExpo” JSC

+7 (495) 215-13-61


30A ul. B. Gruzinskaya, Bld. 1, office 502, Moscow, 123056, Russia